Native chicken city
Besides the unique landscape and the great reputation of Moon World, the Native chicken city is also a place that must be visited by tourists. One should not miss out tasting the delicious native chicken cuisine when paying a visit here, as all chickens sold in the stores here are all authentically country chickens (native chicken). Chicken has always played a very important role in the Chinese traditional diet, especially when it concerns the concept of “health”, chicken even plays a decisive role, and any common family has chicken as the best tonic. Chicken is known as the “Origin for nutrition”, containing 21.5% protein, which is higher than that for pork, beef and lamb, thus it provides the protein required for the human body. However, it only contains 2.5% fat, which is much lower than that for the usual livestock and poultry. Furthermore, chicken also contains rich vitamins including A, B, C, E and numerous minerals; whereas the native chicken produced by Tianliao Township is even the “Best of the best in the world of chickens”, as they are the “native country chicken” that has been bred in the forests to offer a refreshing aroma for the taste. Moreover, with the attentive preparation by the master chef from Moon World, the taste of the meat can be said to be unique. For those who have doubts, why not pay a visit to Moon World in this township and have a taste, it will definitely be memorable for you.
Moon World Native Chicken
The native chickens are cultivated in a pasture with fences, so that they can run, jump and search for food freely on the hills, which in turn result in the healthy and delicious meat that they offer. There is numerous cuisine waiting to be tasted, including chicken prepared with mud from volcanoes; bean curd chicken; chicken prepared with alcohol; chicken prepared with three cups of ingredients and smoked lamb.
Native goats
Lamb is one of the meats eaten by human during the ancient times, with a history of approximately six thousand years. Lamb has very high nutritious value, with 11.1% of protein, which is in between beef and pork, but the calcium and iron components in lamb is higher than that for beef and pork. Lamb is beneficial for phthisis, tracheitis, asthma, anemia and postpartum weakness; it also facilitates the secretion of digestive juice, enhances digestion, assists digestion, protects the stomach, repairs the stomach mucous membrane and anti-aging… etc. Since the native goats offered by this township are put out to pasture in the wilderness up and down the hills, these goats are healthy, odorless and taste soft and juicy, thus most of the sources for the renowned Ganshan lamb are from this township.